I am a second-year co-op Computer Engineering student at Concordia University. I completed my first year in General Engineering at Western University. I have intermediate knowledge in Java, C++, ARM Assembly, and object-oriented principles from university courses. I also have basic knowledge in Python and React from hackathons. I am interested in embedded systems, micro-controllers, micro-processors, video games, trading stocks, and the cloud.
Morgan Stanley Code To Give 2024
Galactic Healer
Date: 03/26/2024
Helped create the frontend of a chatbot game to improve doctor and patient interactions for people with rare diseases. Worked in a group of 7 Concordia students, including 6 master's students, over one week online through Stack. Worked under the supervision of two Morgan Stanley employees.
Third Place McHacks11
Fluent Fingers
Date: 01/26/2024
Used a pre-existing model on Jupyter Notebook to classify ASL hand signals by taking pictures of the hand signals. Worked on troubleshooting without previous knowledge or courses in computer vision.
Demo: https://devpost.com/software/fluentfingersA chatbot game using AI to improve doctor and patient interactions for people with rare diseases. Has a feedback system with a score for positive interactions.
Note: The app uses cookies to save data. Sometimes it lags with the response and showing information, but works after refreshing.
Demo: Galactic HealerUsed a pre-existing model on Jupyter Notebook to classify ASL hand signals by taking pictures of the hand signals. Did troubleshooting without previous knowledge or courses in computer vision.
Demo: Fluent FingersDisplays shot data of current and former NBA players (mostly to analyze the impact of lebron's legacy) using react, MongoDB, and R. I used MongoDB to create an interactive database and display data with react. Collaborated in a team of 3 other people from University of Wisconsin Madison. Completed at Hacklytics 2024 in Atlanta, GA.
Demo: Shot TrackerUses Flask to display information about a model that estimates the wait time for a gaming match. I helped give ideas for the model. Submitted to ConUHacks8.
DemoI helped create a model to predict hotel bookings and cancellations based on several metrics. I mostly just made suggestions for this hackathon. Submitted to DataQuest Hackathon at Western University.
DemoUsed plotly and streamlit to dsiplay real-time banking information using a series of graphs. Submitted to ConUHacks7. My first hackathon project.
Demo: HeartbeatCompleted as a Final Project for the Harvard CS50 Introduction to Computer Science Course Online
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/arowe54/Movie-Wizard Demo: https://youtu.be/9cXNRzNFBAUVerified CS50 certificate for the Harvard CS50 Introduction to Computer Science Course completed in 2023. Made projects with C for image editing, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Flask.
Course CertificateRay tracing game to navigate a 2D maze in 3D using the Windows console. Includes a scrolling map and player position indicator in the top left.
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/arowe54/Maze_Console_Game